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about the journal

founded in 2024, orange juice is an electronic-only (though we aim to print in the very near future) quarterly poetry magazine that features writers of poetry spanning any form, any structure, any genre. our aim is to bring poets from all corners of the world together into one magazine. we publish fresh, new writers alongside those who are established - we don't care if it's your first real poem or your eight hundredth - we just like good sh*t.

we're a very small publication, women-led, and literature-obsessed. we love poems that make you laugh, poems that make you cry, poems that make you want to throw your computer off the top of your apartment building. send us the eclectic, the romantic, the strategically crafted. most of all, send us the homegrown.

we select and feature only the best of what our inbox has to offer, and our issues are specifically curated not on specific themes, but rather on good poetry. that's why all of our issues will be open calls, and we won't ever ask for poetry that fits a certain narrative or theme. we just want what you have. with this in mind, we encourage all who write to submit - as writers ourselves, we understand that poetry is a struggle, and we want to give you a place to shout: i am a poet.

our issues are always free, always sweet, and available right here when the time comes. we'll be releasing once every quarter. if you don't know what that means, we'll have an issue up and ready in january, in april, in july, and finally in october.

we also encourage our readers and avid enjoyers of poetry to join the orange juice newsletter. you can get our issues, news, big updates, and other fun stuff by email, if that's your thing.

we accept submissions to the journal year-round. they might occasionally close for some housekeeping, but we'll always notify you if that's happening.

our publication was created in 2024 as an avant-garde project by jaylee marchese. she currently works on the journal as the head editor, reader of poetry, and head of design for the magazine layout and website, as well as some most of the other stuff going on behind the scenes. 

we'll accept reading volunteers occasionally - email us at

by visiting our website and reading our issues, you're simply doing enough to support us as a journal, so thank you! if you'd like to explore donating options to support orange juice's endeavors to become a paying journal, you can email us at and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

as orange juice grows and we become more accustomed to the market and inner workings of poetry publication, we plan to open different divisions of our magazine, including but not limited to flash fiction, nonfiction, short stories, essays, reviews, and other. if you'd be interested in submitting work for this part of our journal, please email us and let us know.

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